A series of educational animal posters, originally aimed at zoos and schools. Each one features abstract geometric artwork of an extant or extinct animal, its name, and a set of facts about it, arranged in a visually interesting way. This was meant to raise awareness of a creature in danger of extinction, to educate on creature recently gone extinct, or to promote animals available to see at local institutions.
The idea was later expanded to include speculative creatures from fictional works.
Below that is a set of infographics done as client work in an in-house position. These were sent out as part of email marketing campaigns with an audience of between 180k and 250k recipients, depending on the send list.
Following that is further client work for a science festival, where the goal was to communicate how the various sciences make daily life possible in often mundane but surprising ways.
Lastly is a infographic poster featuring a variety of dinosaurs throughout history with accurate size scaling, again in a geometric vector style to add visual interest, since many images illustrating this idea are done in more realistic art styles and true to life colors.